"Growing in God's Love and Serving all God's People through rejoicing, renewing and reaching out."
At FPC we want our members to be more than just friends or acquaintances you see on Sunday morning. We are a family, we support each other and walk together through all the good and all the bad. At FPC we want you to feel like you belong and one way you can do that is by joining in fellowship with each other on a Sunday and midweek!
On a Sunday morning between our Traditional and Contemporary service we have coffee hour in the dining room! Stay for a chat and enjoy a nice cup of coffee and a cake! Life can get so busy and sometimes it is nice to just take a minute to unwind and catch up with friends and family!
FPC offers Mid-Day outings on the first Thursday of October, December, February, and May.
Come break bread and share interesting adventures with some new friends. Outing include plays, interesting presentation, and our regular spring "picinic" (in the dining room)