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Nurturing and supporting the next generation


Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. 

Proverbs 22:6

Sunday School Curriculum

FPC is starting an exciting new Sunday school curriculum this fall. Check out the new curriculum for yourself!


We are excited about this new curriculum because it uses various tools to engage kids in God's word. Through the use of video, games, arts and crafts, and role play, children are able to explore the story through a wide array of mediums. 


Sunday School schedule 

Children (pre-kindergarten through 5th grade) attend worship with their parents in the sanctuary beginning at 10:30 am.  After the Children's Message, they leave with their teachers for Sunday School in the youth room the downstairs.



Care for infants and toddlers is provided in our Nursery room the downstairs with Ms. Sheri.

Please feel free to leave your children in our care beginning at 10:15 am.  Each Sunday the ministry of caring for your child may include playing with the children, reading stories to toddlers, comforting a child or cradling one to sleep, giving bottles or changing diapers as needed.



Sunday school: Ministries
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